A synopsis of the initiatives NASBLA undertook and the objectives NASBLA accomplished in 2021. #Report
2 attachments
The U.S. Coast Guard requires data on the consequences of recreational boating accidents, so that it can compare the costs of alternative regulations, policies, and programs to their benefits. In particular, information on the number and characteristics of fatal and nonfatal injuries, and on...
Safe States Alliance and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard, is excited to announce the release of new recommendations for improving boat occupant injury surveillance. The Recreational Boat Occupant Injury...
#ERAC 8 #ERAC #Report
2012 ERAC Charge B2 Online Forum report.pdf
#USCG #Report
2012-16 RBS Strategic Plan Report -Final.pdf
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