On March 28, 2012, the Coast Guard published a Final Rule in the Federal Register entitled “Changes to Standard Numbering System, Vessel Identification System and Boating Accident Report Database” (77 FR 18689). A portion of that rule revised 33 CFR 174, “State Numbering and Casualty Reporting Systems,” by adding 33 CFR 174.16, “Verification of Hull Identification Numbers (HINs).” Since the rule was published, states and territories have raised numerous questions about the HIN verification process.To assist states with implementing the regulation, CG-BSX-2 worked with NASBLA's Vessel Identification, Registration & Titling Committee to create the revised 2020 HIN Validation & Verification Guideline PowerPoint (VVGP), which was revised to address issues raised by the states and Coast Guard.#HIN#USCG#USCG
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