I've been Executive Director of the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) since October 2013. In this role, I serve as the technical content advisor in direct support of the NSBC’s education, training, and outreach programs; plan and develop national boating safety awareness projects and campaigns; and serve as a representative of the NSBC to national and international organizations. I have been with the NSBC for eight years, previously as its Communications Director.
I was recently appointed by the Department of Homeland Security to serve as a member of the National Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC), and have done extensive committee work with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), and sit as the Chair for the Life Jacket Wear Rate Tiger Team.
I was recently recognized with PR News’ People to Watch in PR and under my management, the NSBC’s “Ready, Set, Wear It!” Life Jacket World Record Day received ASAE’s 2013 Summit Award for making “America and the world a better place to live.”
I graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a Bachelor of Sciences in Recreation and Parks Management from Frostburg State University.